Cruse Scotland Bereavement Support aims to make information about bereavement as widely available as possible.
Family Advice & Community Service
Family Advice and Community Connections Service is a universal “reach in” service with a focus on early intervention and prevention for all families in Perth and Kinross with children 18 and under who are looking for information, advice/guidance or need some direct support for whatever reason.
They have 3 Family and Community Support Workers who will be out and about across Perth and Kinross, getting to know local areas and supporting families with what it is they have identified as a need.
How can they help
- Personalised Support tailored to the individual needs of the family
- Advice on family matters
- Assistance when families need it the most
- Flexible meeting times and locations
- Connections to further support services within local communities
Their aim is to be a one stop shop for families to reach out to and they can then support you to identify services that will be right for you or provide support with an issue and help families get a solution that works best for them.
Kinship Care – Advice Service for Scotland – Advice and information on kinship care
NHS Tayside CAMHS Neurodevelopmental Parent Portal
NHS Tayside are excited to share the opening of their CAMHS Neurodevelopmental Parent Portal.
The Portal is a valuable resource for parents and carers of children with neurodevelopmental differences, offering expert advice, practical strategies, and useful tools to help families in understanding and supporting their child. They have created a space where parents can find trusted information on:
• Understanding neurodevelopmental differences
• Strategies for everyday challenges
• Access to relevant resources
For more information please read the leaflet below and watch this short video
NHS Tayside Parent and Carers Support Padlet
Useful websites, contacts and resources for supporting you and your family.
Perth Autism Support Outreach Service
Perth Autism Support (PAS) are delighted to advise that they are offering services locally to families in Crieff and surrounding areas.
Their appointments for enquiries can be accessed by anyone and if families wish to enquire about registering with PAS they can email our address to find out if they are eligible.
Families need to be registered with PAS to attend the evening Parent sessions, Children’s Services and Transition Services.
Promoting Resilience in your Child
For guidance on how to enhance confidence and knowledge about what you can do to build resilience among your own children, please read the document below.
Bounce Back is an acronym of positive coping strategies to use when we encounter setbacks and help build our resilience. The same strategies are effective for all. Find out more by watching the short videos below.
PKC Child Protection Team – It is your right to feel safe

Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. Knowing what your child is doing online and who they are talking to – PKC Internet Safety
PKC Parent and Family Team
The Parent and Family Learning Team offer support to help families on different stages and subjects; including strengthening family relationships, understand their child’s emotions and manage them in a positive way.
If you would like to apply for a place at one of these sessions, please continue to the link for further information and booking.