Support Resources

NHS Tayside Parent and Carers Support Padlet

Useful websites, contacts and resources for supporting you and your family.

Promoting Resilience in your Child

For guidance on how to enhance confidence and knowledge about what you can do to build resilience among your own children, please read the document below.

Bounce Back is an acronym of positive coping strategies to use when we encounter setbacks and help build our resilience. The same strategies are effective for all. Find out more by watching the short videos below.

What is resilience?



It is your right to feel safe – PKC Child Protection Team


Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.


Knowing what your child is doing online and who they are talking to – PKC Internet Safety

Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational & Physiotherapy Advice Line

Incredible Years Learning Programme

The Parent and Family Learning Team offer support to help Parents/Carers to strengthen family relationships, understand their child’s emotions and manage them in a positive way.

PKC Strengthening Families

The Strengthening Families Programme is a 7 week programme that helps families with young people in P6, P7 & S1 prepare for their teenage years. Becoming a teenager can be a challenging time for young people and parents alike. Strengthening Families is proven to support both parents and young people through this time of change, helping them to achieve greater success when they move on to secondary school.

As a family you attend one session each week for 7 weeks. Each week you will learn by, watching informative DVDs, taking part in fun activities; and sharing discussions. The programme is free to attend and a light meal is provided at each session. For younger children there is a play session in place for childcare purposes. To join, please complete download and return the completed application form to

Parenting Bite Size Sessions

PKC currently offering virtual and face to face bite size sessions on different parenting subjects. If you would like to apply for a place at one of these sessions, please continue to the link for further information and booking.

Perthshire Women’s Aid – Cedar Project & Children & Young People’s Services                

Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland aims to make information about bereavement as widely available as possible.
